!BIRTH 1801 Census, Thorning, Viborg, Danmark (LDS microfilm #39048) lists his age as 62.
!MARRIAGE Parish Register, Vium, Viborg, Danmark 1770-1815 (LDS microfilm #54113)
!DEATH Parish Register, Thorning, Viborg, Danmark, 1814-1830, p. 248 (Dansk Rigsarkiv,
Arkivalieronline.dk), age 76. He does not show with his wife on the 1834 Census, Thorning, Viborg, Danmark.
Unverified Source: Efterslægtstavle for Hans Hansen (Født i 1657) - from Bertel and Lis Bertelsen (see media page for Hans Pedersen b. 1673): In 1770 his address is “Skovhuset”, Seest. Around 1786 moved with two of his sons to Marvinslund, Vium, as a “forpagter” (tenant).
For details about his life and possessions see Unverified Source: Efterslægtstavle Familien Bertelsen 1673-1963 (by Hans Bertelsen), attached. From Bertel and Lis Bertelsen.
“Iver Bertelsen died 11 January 1814. His widow, Birthe Jørgensdatter, remained as “Farm User Widow” from 1814 until 1818. Then her son Jørgen took over the farm until his death in 1828. After that his little brother Bertel took over the farm until he sold it in 1838 to Forester Bang of Stensdalsgård. The transfer was written on 19 July 1838. The sale price was 1500 Rigsbankdalersølv.
After Forester Bang’s purchase the farm came to be known as “Bang’s Hope”.
On a hill about 200 m from the farm, stood a windmill for many years, where people came to have their wheat ground. It was torn down in 1917, and then one had to drive to Thorning mill.
Later owners of Bang’s Hope were Laust Dueholm (1900) and Svend Nielsen (1920).”