His second marriage record says he is from Seest.
BIRTH Unable to locate birth record in Seest from 1688-1700. One possibility is 15 Dec 1695, but the parents’ names do not match the Efterslægtstavle.
40“Var fæster under Koldinghus” (He was a tenant farmer under Koldinghus, on Seest Skovgård.)
Additional Source: Efterslægtstavle for Hans Hansen (Født i 1657)
39 (attached document listing his holdings is an excerpt from this document)
In the birth records of his children he is sometimes referred to as “Lilln Bertel.”
Efterslægtstavle Familien Bertelsen
40 indicates two more children for this family, which were unable to be verified in the Seest Parish Records:
Marcus (born 1731) There is no record of anyone named Marcus born in Seest or Skanderup (Ribe) between the time of the parents’ marriage and the birth of their daughter Karen in 1733.
Jens (born 1739, died 3 Nov 1740). There is no record of a child named Jens born to Bertel Hansen between Iver in 1738 and this death date. The father on the death record is Bertel Hoskiers, who appears elsewhere in the parish record as part of another family.