!BIRTH Parish Register, Thorning, Viborg, Danmark, 1695-1814 (LDS microfilm #54037)
!MARRIAGE Parish Register, Thorning, Viborg, Danmark, 1814-1858 (LDS microfilm #54038)
!DEATH Parish Register, Hørup, Viborg, Danmark 1868-1872 (Dansk Rigsarkiv,
Arkivalieronline.dk), “aftægtsmand i Kjellerup”, “70 år”.
1850 Census, Hørup, Lysgard, Viborg, Danmark (LDS microfilm #39363) lists age as 48 and birthplace as Thorning. In this census, this family also had another child living with them: Johanne Jensen, age 7, born Thorning Sogn [Hørup, Viborg], “Deres Pleiedatter”. She may be the same Johanne Jensen in the Lassen/Bertelsen wedding photo.
Unverified Source: Efterslægtstavle for Hans Hansen (Født i 1657) - from Bertel and Lis Bertelsen (see media page for Hans Pedersen b. 1673): After his father’s death in 1814 took over his mother’s farm in Skræ and a few years later, on 1 Jul 1839 became the owner of Kjellerup Vestergård. On 28 Feb 1867 his son Jens Kristian Bertensen took over the farm for 7,000 kr.
For more details about his life and possessions, see Unverified Source: Efterslægtstavle Familien Bertelsen 1673-1963 (by Hans Bertelsen), attached. From Bertel and Lis Bertelsen.
Evidence Linking Berthel Iversen/Ane Kirstine Sørensdatter and Frederik Bertelsen:
√Frederik’s marriage records lists his parents and his birthplace
√1850 Census shows entire family