NameMaren Iversdatter
Birth11 Feb 1791, Elkær, Vinderslev ved Kjellerup, Danmark
Notes for Maren Iversdatter
!BIRTH 1801 Census, Thorning, Viborg, Danmark (LDS microfilm #39048) lists her age as 11.
11 Feb 1791 on Elkær, Vinderslev ved Kjellerup. (Unverified Source: Efterslægtstavle Familien Bertelsen 1673-1963 (by Hans Bertelsen), attached to Hans Pedersen (1673). From Bertel and Lis Bertelsen)
No birth record in Vium (older siblings) or Thorning (younger siblings). Not Hinge, Hørup, Lysgaard, Sjørslev, Vinderslev.
Confirmation Record (1808): Parish Register, Thorning, Viborg, Danmark (LDS microfilm #54037).
1834 Census, Thorning, Viborg, Danmark lists her age as 42, says that she was unmarried, and that she was receiving “almisse”. She was still unmarried in 1845. Her birthplace is listed as Thorning on the 1845 Census. (Dansk Rigsarkiv, Dansk Demografisk Database)