His birth record is very difficult to read but shows his mother as unmarried, of Sinding. His mother and birth father were never married and he continued to live with her husband, Niels Jensen, throughout his youth, so he can be considered adopted.
Transcription of birth record: “Moderen er Mette Marie Jensen af Sinding, ugift, ____ ____ Gårdmand Jens Nielsen [who she lived with: her father] ___ ___ udlagt barnefader Knud Jensen ___ ____ gårdmand Erik Hansen Dam af Sinding [who he lived with].”
CENSUS 1840 (Sinding, Viborg)
74, age 4.
CENSUS 1845 (Sinding, Viborg)
75 age 9.
CENSUS 1850 (Sinding, Viborg)
76, age 14, living with his widowed father.
The family moved from Kragelund to Sinding on 17 Sep 1865. In Kragelund they had been working/living with her father, Niels Rød.
CENSUS 1870 (Sinding, Viborg)
77, age 33.
He had black hair and blue eyes. He was a grave digger and a bell ringer at the church in Sinding.
No other children/deaths in Kragelund to Sept 1865.
No other children in Sinding 1865-1871 or 1871-1891.
No deaths in Sinding 1865-1871 or 1871-1891, including Niels & Nielsine.