He moved from Sinding to Kragelund in May/June 1834 (Tilgangsliste, Kragelund, Viborg)
260, age 22-4/12.
He moved with his wife to Sinding in 1836 and then back again to Kragelund in 1840. No record found of any children being born during this time in either Kragelund or Sinding.
CENSUS 1850 (Kragelund, Viborg)
78 age 35.
On the 1870 (Kragelund, Viborg) and 1880 Census (Kragelund, Viborg), he and his wife Ane are living with their daughter Marie Kirstine and her family in Kragelund.
CENSUS 1870 (Kragelund, Viborg)
261 shows his birthplace and his age as 58.
CENSUS 1880 (Kragelund,Viborg)
262 age 68.
No other births/deaths for this family in Kragelund/Sinding 1828-1849.