Record of Marriage #1 (Sinding) seems to say his birthdate is 19 Nov 1814 in Nørre Snede, but there is no one with that name born in 1814 in that location. No Nørre Snede church records available before 1814 Arkivalieronline. Also checked Klovborg/Tyrsting/Grædstrup and Vinding/Byrup/Vrads.
Birthdate is corroborated by his age on Censuses 1840, 1845, 1850 (Sinding, Viborg).
CENSUS 1834 (Nørre Snede, Skanderborg)
341 shows him age 28, living at home with his father and siblings, unmarried.
Moved to Sinding 12 Aug 1839, just prior to his marriage. Sources: Nørre Snede Parish Afgangsliste 1839
Census Details:
The family lived in Sinding Parish in a village called Knoshede.
CENSUS 1840 (Sinding, Viborg)
74 age 32.
CENSUS 1845 (Sinding, Viborg)
75 age 37.
CENSUS 1850 (Sinding, Viborg)
76, age 42 and widowed, living with his two sons.
CENSUS 1860 (Sinding, Viborg)
343, age 53, second wife, birthplace given as Nørre Snede.
CENSUS 1880 (Sinding Mark, Viborg)
344, age 53, living with his daughter Karen and son-in-law Peter Kristian Kristensen.
No other births/deaths in this family in Sinding 1830-1870.
No death for Niels in Sinding 1880-1891. Is alive on 1880 Census.