CENSUS 1860 (Horn By, Tvilum, Skanderborg)
44 age 9.
CENSUS 1870 (Ungstrup, Thorning, Viborg)
45 age 18.
Her marriage record indicates she came from Ungstrup.
CENSUS 1880 (Kjærsholm, Thorning, Viborg)
46 age 28.
Early family picture (ca 1887):
arkiv.dk [
https://arkiv.dk/vis/4252818] B2324 Museum Silkeborg - Lokalarkiv Blicheregnen
CENSUS 1890 (Kjærsholm, Thorning, Viborg)
17 age 39.
CENSUS 1911 (Thorning By, Viborg)
47 shows that she moved to Thorning in 1863 from Tvilum with her father and family.
Family photo with Peder Lassen family, standing outside on Grågård, all wearing hats:
arkiv.dk [
https://arkiv.dk/vis/4840067] Museum Silkeborg - Lokalarkiv Blicherengen