She was also known as Ane Marie Sørensdatter (some of her children’s birth records).
She was light-haired with brown eyes.
CENSUS 1834 (Feldballe, Randers)
228, age 6.
CENSUS 1840 (Feldballe, Randers)
229, age 12.
CENSUS 1860, Hesselballe (Hjortshøj, Randers)
66 shows this family.
CENSUS 1870, Hesselballe (Hjortshøj, Randers)
56 shows her birthplace as Alsø and her age as 41.
At the time of CENSUS 1880 (Præstegaarden, Hjortshøj)
68 Niels, Kirsten and their 2 youngest children were living with Frands Adam Hans Bülow, the “sognepræst” (minister) and his family. Both Niels and Kirsten Marie are 52 years old.