Asta and Frederik’s Family - Person Sheet
Asta and Frederik’s Family - Person Sheet
NameNiels Nielsen Kudsk
Birth7 Mar 1828, Hjortshøj, Øster Lisbjerg, Randers, Danmark61
Death25 Feb 1903, Hjortshøj, Øster Lisbjerg, Randers, Danmark62
Burial5 Mar 1903, Hjortshøj, Øster Lisbjerg, Randers, Danmark
FatherNiels Pedersen Kudsk (1804-1878)
MotherAnna Marie Laursdatter (1804-1883)
Birth24 Mar 1828, Ålsø, Djurs Sønder, Randers, Danmark63
Death28 Jan 1905, Sjelle, Sjelle, Framlev, Aarhus, Danmark
Burial6 Feb 1905, Hjortshøj, Øster Lisbjerg, Randers, Danmark64
FatherSøren Sørensen Ravn (1801-1844)
MotherMette Marie Mortensdatter (1797->1860)
Marriage22 Nov 1853, Feldballe, Djurs Sønder, Randers, Danmark65
ChildrenSøren (1853-<1860)
 Anton Martin (1856-)
 Andrea Marie (1858-)
 Niels Peder (1863-1949)
 Mette Marie (1866-)
Notes for Niels Nielsen Kudsk
There are 2 Niels Nielsens born in Hesselballe in 1828: one to Ane Marie Laursdatter and Niels Christensen (of Spørring? Skørring?) and the second to Niels Sørensen & Ane Sørensdatter. We know that the first one is our Niels Nielsen because he is living with Ane Marie and her husband Niels Pedersen in the 1870 Census.

His birth parents were never married. He was raised by Niels Pedersen and continued this relationship into his 40’s. We can therefore consider him adopted.

The family moved from Feldballe to Hjortshøj on 9 Jun 1854. Their oldest son, Søren, was 6 months old. (Tilgangsliste, Parish Register, Hjortshøj, Randers, Danmark, 1849-1858 (Rigsarkivet Danmark,

He was a weaver. Christening Record for his son Niels Peder Nielsen shows last name as "Kudsk", which means "carriage driver" in Danish. This may have been his profession. In 1860 Census he is called "Daglier".

CENSUS 1860, Hesselballe (Hjortshøj, Randers)66 shows this family.

CENSUS 1870, Hesselballe (Hjortshøj, Randers)67 shows his birthplace as Voldum Sogn (this is an error caused by “ditto” from the family above) and his age as 41.

At the time of CENSUS 1880 (Præstegaarden, Hjortshøj)68 Niels, Kirsten and their 2 youngest children were living with Frands Adam Hans Bülow, the “sognepræst” (minister) and his family. Both Niels and Kirsten Marie are 52 years old and his birthplace is listed correctly as Hjortshøj.


No other children in Feldballe 1849-1854.
No deaths of other children other than Søren in Hjortshøj from 1853-1878.
No death listed in parish register for Hjortshøj from 1880-1891.
Last Modified 15 Feb 2025Created 2 Mar 2025 using Reunion for Macintosh