Was only 23 years old when he purchased Grågård, which was to become the family farm, but showed himself quickly to be a very diligent farmer.
He passed his "studentereksamen" and had commenced law studies, and so was a very well-learned farmer. He was quite well-to-do and was active in cultivating and staking out the farm's building grounds. He wrote land titles and recorded minutes of the many societies of which he was the chairman.
BIRTH His headstone in Thorning confirms the date, corroborated by letter dated 29 NOV 1976 to Henry Kjær of Gødvad from Otto Sørensen, Skive, Genealogist
Shown on Thorning Tilgangsliste
85 as arriving in Thorning in 1828 (~26 years old) but he may have owned the farm before he moved there.
CENSUS 1845 Graae, Thorning, Lysgård, Viborg, gaard 86, B4506 (Rigsarkivet Danmark, Dansk Demografisk Database), age 43.
CENSUS 1850 (Graae, Thorning, Viborg)
24 shows his place of birth: Grinderslev, Viborg, age 47.
CENSUS 1880 (Graae, Thorning, Viborg)
86 age 77, living with Dorthe Poulsdatter and daughter Birgitte.
Portrait of Jens Tobias Peder Lassen:
arkiv.dk [
https://arkiv.dk/vis/4661295] F262, #21 in “Billeder fra Grågård slægten”
Problem: There are no church records for Grinderslev prior to 1813: therefore no direct source verification for his birth or for his siblings.
No birth record for him in Sevel, Ringkøbing 1801-1815 (later siblings born there).
Looked on PR Grinderslev LDS microfilm #53792 for confirmation record: no luck.
No marriages prior to 1841 in Thorning for this man. No marriages between 1855 when his wife died and 1857. No other children listed 1814-1858.