CENSUS 1834 Graae, Thorning, Lysgård, gaard 2-83, B4480. (Rigsarkivet Danmark, Dansk Demografisk Database)
Age 33 and married to Jens Tobias Peder Lassen.
!DEATH Parish Register, Thorning, Viborg, Danmark 1832-1842 (Rigsarkivet Danmark,
Arkivalieronline.dk), “Gaardeier P. Lassens hustru i Grågård”, “48 år”.
On CENSUS 1840 (Graae, Thorning, Lysgård, Danmark) Peder Lassen is listed as “Enkemand” (widower). (Rigsarkivet Danmark, Dansk Demografisk Database)
*Age at time of death would point to a birthdate of 1791. Census age would have her born in 1801.
*No likely candidates born in Thorning from 1790-1792 or 1800-1802.
*One Ankomst in 1827 Ane Pedersen age 26, married to Daniel Mathiasen, coming from Frederichs sogn, but her exit from Frederichs has her as only 23-3/4 years old. Can’t find a death for Daniel in Thorning before 1834. Don’t think this is the right lady.
*It’s possible she was from Grinderslev and she and JTP may have been married there. Grinderslev PRs after 1813 are available via FHC but not yet on Rigsarkivet Danmark,