Lassen Nielsen Family - Person Sheet
Lassen Nielsen Family - Person Sheet
NameAne Marie Pedersen
Birth20 Oct 1799, Danmark
Death21 Nov 1839, Thorning, Lysgård, Viborg, Danmark
FatherPeder (<1779-)
Birth6 Jul 1802, Stubbergård, Grinderslev, Salling Nørre, Viborg, Danmark
Death12 Jun 1886, Grågård, Thorning, Lysgård, Viborg, Danmark
FatherJens Tobias Peder Lassen (1770-1817)
Family Media
Notes for Ane Marie Pedersen
!BIRTH Census 1834, Graae, Thorning, Lysgaard, Danmark. Age 33 and married to Jens Tobias Peder Lassen. (Dansk Rigsarkiv, Dansk Demografisk Database)

!DEATH Parish Register, Thorning, Viborg, Danmark 1832-1842 (Dansk Rigsarkiv,, “Gaardeier P. Lassens hustru i Graagaard”, “48 år”. On Census 1840 (Graae, Thorning, Lysgaard, Danmark) Peder Lassen is listed as “Enkemand” (widower). (Dansk Rigsarkiv, Dansk Demografisk Database)


*Age at time of death would point to a birthdate of 1791. Census age would have her born in 1801.
*No likely candidates born in Thorning from 1790-1792 or 1800-1802.
*One Ankomst in 1827 Ane Pedersen age 26, married to Daniel Mathiasen, coming from Frederichs sogn, but her exit from Frederichs has her as only 23-3/4 years old. Can’t find a death for Daniel in Thorning before 1834. Don’t think this is the right lady.
*It’s possible she was from Grinderslev and she and JTP may have been married there. Grinderslev PRs after 1813 are available via FHC but not yet on Dansk Rigsarkiv,
*Her headstone in Thorning may have further information, as may her probate record if there is one.
Last Modified 13 Jan 2025Created 22 Jan 2025 using Reunion for Macintosh