NameAne Birgithe Jensen Levring
Birth5 Oct 1802, Risbak, Sjørslev, Lysgård, Viborg, Danmark
Death5 Aug 1855, Thorning, Lysgård, Viborg, Danmark
Birth6 Jul 1802, Stubbergård, Grinderslev, Salling Nørre, Viborg, Danmark
Death12 Jun 1886, Grågård, Thorning, Lysgård, Viborg, Danmark
Marriage17 Jan 1841, Thorning, Lysgård, Viborg, Danmark
Notes for Ane Birgithe Jensen Levring
!BIRTH Parish Register, Sjørslev, Viborg, Danmark (LDS microfilm #53747)
!DEATH Parish Register, Thorning, Viborg, Danmark, 1814-1858 (LDS microfilm #54038) corroborated by her headstone in Thorning. Birthdate is listed on death record.
Her headstone lists her name as Jensen=Levring. She could have been born/confirmed under either name.
1850 Census, Thorning, Lysgård, Viborg (LDS microfilm #39363) lists her name as Ane Birgithe Jensen født Levring and her age as 47.
In the 1834 Census she was living as a “tjenestepige” on Marvindslund Hovedgaard, Vium, Lysgaard, Viborg. By 1840 she had become the “huusjomfrue”.
Shown on Thorning Afgangsliste (#54038) as arriving in Thorning in 1841.
Very unusual that she was married at age 38.5. She's listed as "Jomfrue" rather than "Pigen", which indicates that she was older but had never been married. She was listed as residing at Grågård already at the time of her marriage. She was likely the housekeeper.
She was 39 when Marie Cathrine was born. She would have been 44 when JTP Jr. was born.