NameMaren Jensen
Birth25 Mar 1848, Voer, Vinderslev, Lysgård, Viborg, Danmark
Death22 Nov 1918, Grågård, Thorning, Lysgård, Viborg, Danmark
!BIRTH Parish Record, Vinderslev, Viborg, Danmark 1832-1867 (#53826), Dansk Rigsarkiv, data_kirkeboeger_C259_B_020_K04-11-A.
Census, 1 FEB 1880, Thorning, Viborg, Danmark shows birthplace and her age as 31, which corroborates with Christening Record of her son, Jens Peder Lassen.
!DEATH Her tombstone in Thorning and Parish Records, Thorning, Lysgård, Viborg, Danmark 1907-1934 p 226, Dansk Rigsarkiv, data_kirkeboeger1892_C260C_G_003_0226a-DK.
Moved from Vinderslev to Thorning in 1870 (1911 Census data).