Frederik farmed on "Bjørnekær", Lysholt, Hornstrup, from 1930 to 1946, when he sold the farm and purchased Gremmersteen, Eltang, Danmark. This farm was bought from a family who decided to leave Denmark because they had collaborated with the German army in WWII.
(Memories of Linda Easthope) Although he knew how to relax and have a good time, Morfar was a fairly serious man who managed his home and money carefully. He enjoyed playing the violin and sitting down on the sofa to smoke his very long pipe. He also celebrated with a cigar now and then. I am not sure if he knew exactly what to do with my sister and me when the grandchildren invaded his personal space for a good part of the summer, once every few years. I wish that I had spoken better Danish back then so that I could have known him better. It was always fun, though, to go for a ride in the back seat of his car through the countryside. He drove so smoothly, up and down all the little hills and through the twists and turns. He always took the back roads, never the highway. When he visited us in Canada, it took a long time to go for a hike because he stopped often to look at all the different plants. He carved walking sticks out of wood that he found, both here in Canada and back home in Denmark, and I still keep one of those to remind me of him.
Fun family photo from his younger years, standing outside on Grågård, all wearing hats: [] Museum Silkeborg - Lokalarkiv Blicherengen