!BIRTH Parish Register, Tvilum, Skanderborg, Danmark 1684-1814 (LDS microfilm #52236)
Age corresponds with Censuses 1834 (B6198), 1840 (B7492) and 1845 (B7378) Horn, Tvilum, Gjern, Skanderborg (Rigsarkivet Danmark, Dansk Demografisk Database). 36 at time of marriage in 1825.
CENSUS 1860 (Horn By, Tvilum, Skanderborg)
44. She is living with Rasmus Christensen and family and is listed as “husfaderens stedmoder”. However, she shares the same last name as Rasmus’ birth mother, and is most likely her sister.
Two other possibilities in Tvilum Sogn for “Maren Christensdatter”:
Christen Jensen’s Maren af Woel b. 20th p. Trinit. 1786
(would have been 38 in March 1825)
Chresten Pedersen’s Maren af Woel b. 3rd efter Påske 1790
(would have been 34 in March 1825)
However, our Maren is clearly listed as being from Sminge on her marriage record.