NameDorthe Jensdatter ![](../img/i_tree.png)
Birthabt 1757, Nårup, Gjern, Gjern, Skanderborg, Danmark
Death2 Mar 1847, Tvilum, Gjern, Skanderborg, Danmark
!BIRTH Census 1801 Horn, Tvilum, Gjern, Skanderborg, Danmark (Dansk Rigsarkiv, Dansk Demografisk Database) lists her age as 44. Birthplace is listed as “Norrup” on marriage record: translates to “Nårup” in modern Danish.
She is 76 on 1834 Census, living with her son Christen’s 2nd wife, Maren Christensdatter. On the 1845 Census, she is 87 and still living with them. As she is “Aftægtskone” on the 1834 Census, she would have owned/managed the farm before it passed to Christen & Else Marie, then to Christen & Maren, then to Maren & Peder Pedersen.
!DEATH Parish Register, Tvilum, Skanderborg, Danmark, 1836-1851, p. 344 (Dansk Rigsarkiv,, age 90.
Could not see birth record in Gjern 1756-1758. Double-check that Nårup is in Gjern Sogn.