!MARRIAGE Parish Register, Thorning, Viborg, Danmark 1892-1906 (Dansk Rigsarkiv,
Arkivalieronline.dk C260B/G/008/0111a-V.jpg)
Birth info from marriage record.
Headstone in Thorning church yard.
Born Jens Kristian Nielsen but marked as Jens Christian on marriage record.
Note: The birthdates on the 1911 Census are wrong for every member of this family. Not sure where they came from! Dates on 1906 Census and Parish Register match.
Family Group Photo (? ca 1942) is from
Arkiv.dk (
Names on Photo:
Back Row from Left:
Aksel Gantzhorn, Skræ
Laura Nielsen, Lysgård (married to Ernst)
Kristian Gantzhorn
Johannes Gantzhorn
Gudmund Gantzhorn
fru Astrid Nielsen
Jørgen Hoberg
Front Row from Left:
Ernst Nielsen (owner of Lysgård)
Erik Gantzhorn
Sigrid Gantzhorn
Ane Nielsen
J. Chr. Nielsen
Jakob Hoberg
Hans Peter Nielsen
JC Nielsen individual photo in front of Grågård gate (ca 1940) is from
Arkiv.dk Museum Silkeborg Lokalarkiv Blicherengen, B2221 (
Golden Wedding photo (1942) is from
Arkiv.dk Museum Silkeborg Lokalarkiv Blicherengen, B2219 (
Diamond Wedding photo (1952) is from
Arkiv.dk Museum Silkeborg Lokalarkiv Blicherengen, B2222 (
Photo of cornerstone on Grågård farm is from
Arkiv.dk, Museum Silkeborg Lokalarkiv Blicherengen, B13564 (
Other pictures (harvest, front step, anniversary with family, JChr in field, house 1912, with farm workers) are from
Arkiv.dk, Museum Silkeborg - Lokalarkiv Blicheregnen, part of collection, “Billeder fra Grågård slægten”, F262 (
“Gråbonden Jens Chr. Nielsen” is a chapter from the book Brudstykker fra Blicheregnen (Blicheregnens Museumsforening Årsskrift 2007)(in possession of Mette Solhart).