Asta and Frederik’s Family - Person Sheet
NameAne (Anna) Martine Rasmussen 

Birth15 Oct 1893, Washington County, Nebraska, USA
Death12 Apr 1989, Blair, Washington County, Nebraska, USA
BurialPrairie View Cemetery, Washington, Washington County, Nebraska, USA
Birth1 Jul 1892, Washington County, Nebraska, USA
Death10 Jan 1947, Kennard, Washington County, Nebraska, USA
BurialPrairie View Cemetery, Washington, Washington County, Nebraska, USA
Marriage22 Mar 1916, Kennard, Washington County, Nebraska, USA 
Notes for Ane (Anna) Martine Rasmussen
CENSUS 1900, Arlington, Washington, Nebraska, USA, ED123 (via, age 6.
Services were Saturday, April 15 at First Lutheran Church in Blair for Anna M. Andersen, 95, who died at her home in Blair on April 12, 1989. Rev. James V. McBride officiated. Burial was at Prairie View Cemetery south of Kennard.
Anna Andersen was born October 15, 1893 to Martin and Ane Margrethe Rasmussen at their farm west of Kennard, the sixth of twelve children. On March 22, 1916, she married Jens L. Andersen of the Washington area. They lived on and farmed the Andersen family farm until his death in January, 1947. She had resided in Blair since then. She was a member of First Lutheran Church.
One granddaughter, Roxann Sauerman, preceded her in death.