Asta and Frederik’s Family - Person Sheet
NameSøren Jespersen (Nielsen) Toft
Birth7 Mar 1866, Vester Lyby, Lyby, Midtjylland, Skive Danmark1578
Birth29 Dec 1866, Fuglemose, Vinderslev, Viborg, Danmark1577
Marriage9 Sep 1894, Thorning, Lysgård, Viborg, Danmark1579
Notes for Søren Jespersen (Nielsen) Toft
Additional Source: Efterslægtstavle for Hans Hansen (Født i 1657)
39 He was a widower at the time of his marriage to Hanne Marie.
“Kongelige bevilling af 31 Aug 1894” (royal grant/award)
FAMILY He had a son named Kristian Toft from his second marriage (to Hanne Marie Karoline Bertelsen) who became a storekeeper in Helsingør.