From Skræ, Thorning Sogn
There were 11 children born to this marriage.
Arkiv.dkLink to picture of family home: to family picture: of the board of the Thorning Sparkasse is from, Museum Silkeborg, Lokalarkiv Blicherengen B6164 ( Members of the board include:
Bagerste række fra venstre:
nr. 1 Jens Chr. Munch, Ungstrup
nr. 2 Peder Nørskov Nielsen, Thorning Overby
nr. 3 Johan Skov, Skræ
nr. 4 Bertel Bertelsen, Ravnsborg
nr. 5 Marius Nielsen, Ungstrup
Forreste række fra venstre:
nr. 1 Johs. Gantzhorn, Skræ
nr. 2 S.M. Jensen, købmand, Thorning
nr. 3 Anton Mikkelsen, Vattrupgård