Emigrated to Nebraska, USA in 1895.
CENSUS 1900, Richland, Washington, Nebraska, USA, ED134 (via
Ane wrote notes on the back of some of the pictures the family sent home to Denmark.
On the back of the family picture: “Her sidder vi nu med vore 4 Piger og Knud. Lille Broder var i skole den dag, da vi tilfældig blev fottograferet. Kom så sikker over og se os, vi er næsten altid Hjemme, de kærligste hilsner fra Ane.” (Here we sit with our 4 girls and Knud. Little Brother (Peter) was in school that day, when we were casually photographed. Be sure to come over and see us, we are almost always home, most loving greetings from Ane.)
On the back of the picture showing the farm buildings: “Det er gaarden seet fra Stalden.” (This is the farm, seen from the stable.)
On the back of the picture with the close-up of the house: “Det er også vor hus, oven over ind i hjørnen har vi navnenet af gaarden, med den Amerikanske Øren under navnenet, der har den Amerikanske flag i kløern.” (This is also our house, up over in the corner we have the name of the farm, with the American Eagle under the name, it has the American flag in its claws.)
On the back of the picture with the house seen from the distance: “Her kan i se huset og ude Bøknonger (Here you can see the house and outside the birch [grove].)
On the back of the picture with the farm and fields: “Her kan i se vor mark. Gaarden er imellem træerne. Vi dyrker lige saa meget land fra den anden side af gaarden, som fra den her. Rasmus og Peter er ved at filøje stup jord, jeg holder med møje skrederen i det i kan se er maize marken.” (Here you can see our field. The farm is in between the trees. We cultivate about the same amount of land from the other side of the farm, as from this side. Rasmus and Peter are about to plow down some land, I am holding myself from slipping in what you can see is the corn field.)