!BIRTH Calculated from Marriage and Census information. .
CENSUS 1850 (Olstrup, Engestofte, Maribo)
1064 age 29, birthplace “Vesterulslev”
CENSUS 1855 (Olstrup, Engestofte, Maribo)
1065 age 35, birthplace “Vesterulslev”.
CENSUS 1860 (Kikop, Vaabensted, Maribo)
1072 age 41, birthplace “Engestofte”.
CENSUS 1870 (Olstrup, Engestofte, Maribo)
1073 age 49, birthplace “Vester Ullerslev”.
CENSUS 1880 (Olstrup, Engestofte, Maribo)
1074 age 59, birthplace “Vester Ulleslev”.
No record of her birth in Vester Ulslev 1818-1822. Two possibilities in Øster Ulslev: Birthe Hansdatter (30 Apr 1819) and Birthe Margrethe Hansen (27 Jul 1820). BUT the census records very clearly say “Vester Ullerslev”.
Also no birth record found from 1818-1822 Engestofte. Possibility in Våbensted on 23 jan 1822 “Birthe Marie Caroline Hansdatter”, but this person would be too
young for the census dates.