!MARRIAGE #2 Parish Register, Hjortshøj, Randers, Danmark, 1691-1781, p. 170 (Dansk Rigsarkiv,
!DEATH Parish Register, Hjortshøj, Randers, Danmark, 1691-1781, p. 131 (Dansk Rigsarkiv,
Arkivalieronline.dk), age 84 years, 1 month, 3 weeks.
Checked births in Hjortshøj 1691-1765.
Checked deaths in Hjortshøj 1720-1780.
Checked marriages in Hjortshøj 1710-1765.
Only one possibility for his birth in Hjortshøj: 1699 to Søren Rasmussen, but the name of the child is very unclear. Could be Lauritz.