Asta and Frederik’s Family - Person Sheet
NameLaurids Sørensen 

Birthabt May 1696
Death23 Jul 1780, Hesselballe, Hjortshøj, Øster Lisbjerg, Randers, Danmark874
Birthabt 1700
Death20 Aug 1738, Hesselballe, Hjortshøj, Øster Lisbjerg, Randers, Danmark875
Birth27 Sep 1711, Hjortshøj, Øster Lisbjerg, Randers, Danmark876
Death28 Jul 1769, Hesselballe, Hjortshøj, Øster Lisbjerg, Randers, Danmark877
Marriage3 Nov 1739, Hjortshøj, Øster Lisbjerg, Randers, Danmark878 
ChildrenSøren (1741-1760)
Maren (Twin) (~1752-1763)
Notes for Laurids Sørensen
BIRTH calculated from age at death.
Checked births in Hjortshøj 1691-1765.
Checked deaths in Hjortshøj 1720-1780.
Checked marriages in Hjortshøj 1710-1765.
Only one possibility for his birth in Hjortshøj: 1699 to Søren Rasmussen, but the name of the child is very unclear. Could be Lauritz.
Parish Register, Hjortshøj, Randers, Danmark, 1691-1781, p. 7 (6/111), bottom record on page (Rigsarkivet Danmark,