NameMads Mortensen
Birthabt 1775, Vridsted, Fjends, Viborg, Danmark
Death5 Oct 1842, Voer, Vinderslev, Lysgård, Viborg, Danmark
!BIRTH Census 1834 Voer, Vinderslev, Viborg, Danmark (Dansk Rigsarkiv, Dansk Demografisk Database) Census 1787, Vridsted, Fjends, Viborg (Dansk Rigsarkiv, Dansk Demografisk Database) lists his age as 11.
!MARRIAGE Parish Register, Vridsted, Viborg, Danmark 1776-1813, p. 83 (Dansk Rigsarkiv,
!DEATH Parish Register, Vinderslev, Viborg, Danmark 1832-1847, p. 238 (Dansk Rigsarkiv,, “76 Aar”.
No birth record for him in Vridsted (no records), Vroue, or Resen ~1775.
Evidence Linking Mads Mortensen & Maren Willadsdatter to Jens Madsen:
√Jens Madsen’s marriage record says he was born in Voer, Vinderslev (as were all the children on this family record), and lists his date of birth
√there is no other Mads Mortensen in Voer at the right time
√census and information on Jens’ birth record links Maren Willadsdatter as his mother