!BIRTH Parish Register, Tirstrup, Djurs Sønder, Randers, Danmark 1753-1791 p 90 (Dansk Rigsarkiv,
Arkivalieronline.dk). Father’s name is clearer on mother’s Introduction on following page.
!MARRIAGE Parish Register, Lyngby, Randers, Danmark, 1792-1813, p. 251 (Dansk Rigsarkiv,
Arkivalieronline.dk). He is from Tirstrup and she from Lykkesholm.
In the 1801 Census (Tirstrup, Djurs Sønder, Randers, Danmark) his age is given as 45 (Dansk Rigsarkiv,
Arkivalieronline.dk). He is referred to as Morten Post. This name also shows in some of his children’s records and in his death record.
!DEATH Parish Register, Tirstrup, Randers, Danmark, 1814-1834, p. 187 (Dansk Rigsarkiv,
Arkivalieronline.dk), 70 years old.
No other children in Tirstrup from 1780-1797.
Checked births/deaths in Tirstrup to page 135 (abt 1811): extremely difficult to read.
Checked confirmation records in Tirstrup 1814-1834: no other children evident.
Re-check Tirstrup 1753-1791 ca 1755 for siblings of Morten Rasmussen Post. Look specifically for Post name.