NameThøger Lassen 

Birth1623, Viborg Domsogn, Nørlyng, Viborg, Danmark
Death8 Nov 1689, Ålborghus, Lindholm, Kær, Ålborg, Danmark
Birth11 Jun 1641, Ålborg Budolfi, Fleskum, Ålborg, Danmark
Death11 Jun 1675, Ålborg Budolfi, Fleskum, Ålborg, Danmark
Marriage14 Oct 1660, Ålborg Budolfi, Fleskum, Ålborg, Danmark
Notes for Thøger Lassen
Was the castle clerk in Ålborg Castle and had the rank of land commissioner, war commissioner, and tax assessor. Was exempt from extra taxes. At harvest time he collected for king and church. In this way he acquired many large farms and became a very wealthy man. Was the founder of the gentleman's farm Rødslet. Rødslet was made from half-timbering. It had smooth land and was used as a landing strip of the Germans in World War II. Now the farm is the Ålborg airport (Lindholm). He also owned a farm called Vesterlade.
Thøger Lassen was married 3 times and had 5 children.
Other records show he may have died 22 Aug 1671.
!BIRTH Genealogical researcher in Danmark
!MARRIAGE: IGI Batch 7021111, Sheet 48, Source 538517, corroborated by genealogical researcher in Danmark. IGI record (extracted) shows wife as "Elsebe"; her full name was "Elsebeth".
!DEATHGenealogical researcher in Danmark
IGI says married 7 Oct 1660; Another record says born 1623 Viborg, Viborg, Danmark, parents Thøger Lasson & Else Hedwig; d 30 oct 1689
b 22 feb 1990 e 16 mar 1990 p 29 mar 1990 provo